

One Health Research in Greifswald

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One Health Research in Greifswald – Our Partners

Globalization, climate change, increased human mobility, intensified livestock farming and increasing urbanization as well as loss of natural habitats are the main causes of the outbreak and rapid spread of infections. Pathogens spread globally, species overcome barriers and often develop multi-drug resistance. While classical research approaches focus on single disciplines to study the occurrence and spread of pathogens, the One Health approach takes a holistic perspective.

The One Health concept is based on the recognition that human health is closely linked to animal health and an intact environment. Comprehensive, interdisciplinary as well as global approaches are needed to address the health challenges posed by infectious diseases.

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One Health in Greifswald – Weiterhin aktuell!
Das Projekt One Health Research in Greifswald ist erfolgreich abgeschlossen, aber das Thema bleibt hochaktuell. In Greifswald und Vorpommern setzen sich Wissenschaftler*innen in Forschung und Transfer weiterhin intensiv mit One Health auseinander.
Alle aktuellen Entwicklungen und Aktivitäten finden Sie jetzt auf onehealth-region.de.