One Health Research in Greifswald
One Health – Science Communication & Careers
18 October 2022, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

10.00 Welcome
10.15 Keynote: Planetary Health Policy: Communication between Politics, Science and Health
Dr. phil. Teresa Hollerbach, Centre for Planetary Health Policy, Berlin
10.45 Breakout presentation (1min pitch of session topics)
10.50 – 12.15 1st Session: Science Communication (parallel offers)
- How to get started in science communication
Dr. Charlotte Schwenner, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig - Science Communication – How to get started in Social Media
Annelie Bänsch, WITENO GmbH, Greifswald - Crowdsourcing as a method to promote Responsible Research and Innovation in cohort research
Dr. med. vet. Birgit Schauer & Tabea Troschke, JoinUs4Health - Creating a (memorable) Science Podcast
Katherine Bassil PhD, Maastricht University
12.15 – 13.00 Digital Lunch Break „Bits & Matjes“
13.00 – 13.05 Breakout presentation (pitch of session topics)
13.05 – 14.05 2nd Session One Health Careers (parallel offers)
- Pursuing a (scientific) career in Germany
Katja Wolter, Steinbeis Research Center for Resource Development, Greifswald - How to apply for postdoc fundings?
Dr. Hasmik Hunanyan & Maria Moynihan, University of Greifswald - One Health Research in Greifswald
Prof. Dr. Fabian Leendertz & Dr. med. vet. Klaas Dietze
Helmholtz-Institute for One Health & Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut,
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
14.05 – 14.15 Coffee Break
14.15 – 15.15
“Communicating science – a necessary tool for individual careers or a public mission?”
Fishbowl discussion with Dr. Charlotte Schwenner, Elodie Chabrol PhD, Dr. phil. Teresa Hollerbach, Dr. med. vet. Birgit Schauer
Host: Dr. André Lampe
15.15 Farewell
15.15 – 16.00 Networking and Get-together
all day: Open discussion & networking in our virtual lounge